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Friday 19 April 2013

3 ways to become millionaire :) !!

Who do not want to be the millionaire?? Everyone want to be millionaire. All of us have the dream to become one of the famous people in our country. Maybe next times we will become the millionaire if we make a little bit change in our life. The question is what the change that can we make to become millionaire?

1. Maximise the usage of time to your work.
To become the millionaire you need to sacrifice some of your time to give all commitment to the work. I have read some book that has shown that almost all millionaire in the world only have 3 to 4 hour to sleep. They has sacrifice their time to make sure their work always run smoothly. The mistake of some people are they love to take easy to their work. If they are the manager to a company, they like to make their assistant doing all of thing and never try to check to their worker. This will make they do not really understand and know the   weakness of their company. Therefore use all the time that you have to look to your company and analyse the chance and weakness of the company.
2. Always make thankgiving and charity to other people.
In the logic way, we will see that this way is the way to make us bankrupt. Actually it NOT. Helping another people with your money is the better way to become millionaire. It look like magic and unbelievable but trust me it helps a lot. In Islam, they believe that if you help people, they will get the bigger reward from the god. In hindu, the believe will 'karma' law that tell us , if you help some peolpe today you will get more advantage in the future.
3. Always make your confidence level at the highest level.
As a human we are not always in the right place. Sometime we are up and sometime we are down. The problem here is when we are down how to make our confident level arise again?? Therefore , we need to practice to think positive. Always pray to the God when we are on the hard time and read more motivational books so we can maintain our confident level. However, we need to be carefull as the higher confident level will make us become more careless.

That all from me, I hope this will help you and me to become a good millionaire in the future.
Thank for reading..

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